What we do

The Trauma Studies Center's main mission is to improve knowledge about traumatic events by conducting research projects. These are made possible with the help of public funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Culture et Société, and the Centre de recherches en sciences humaines. To carry out these projects, we rely on the active participation of workplaces and victims of traumatic events. Are you a researcher or manager and would like to be involved in a research project?

Ongoing Studies

Jan. 29th 2020 Ongoing Studies

Study on operational stress injuries in firefighters

Study on operational stress injury trajectory among firefighters The practice of the firefighter profession makes it common[...]

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Ongoing Studies

Jan. 21st 2020 Ongoing Studies

Study on Psychological First Aid in the Workplace

Psychological first aid for workers exposed to traumatic events Due to the nature of their occupation, workers in the field[...]

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Ongoing Studies

May. 6th 2019 Ongoing Studies

The impact of emotional support dogs on anxiety among adolescents in psychotherapy taken in youth protection

Study investigating the efficacy of emotional support dogs in reducing anxiety among adolescents in youth[...]

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Measuring tools

Some measuring tools at disposition for you, researchers and students

Research projects in progress

Beck Anxiety Inventory; BAI


What the questionnaire measures :

This instrument consists of 21 multiple choice questions that measure levels of anxiety in both adolescents and adults. The emotional, physiological and cognitive symptoms of anxiety are clearly presented, which helps to differentiate anxiety from depression. The results obtained can range from 0 to 63 points. Between 0 and 7, there is a minimal level of anxiety; between 8 and 15, mild anxiety; between 16 and 25, moderate; and between 26 and 63, severe. This questionnaire is relatively short, and should take between 5 to 10 minutes to complete.

Key reference

Beck, AT., Epstein, N., Brown, G., & Steer, RA. (1988). An inventory for measuring clinical anxiety: Psychometric properties. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 56(6), 893-897.

To download the questionnaire, click here.

Beck Depression Inventory II


What the questionnaire measures :

This questionnaire, made up of 21 multiple choice questions, is a revised version of the Beck Depression Inventory I used to measure levels of depression. The emotional, physiological, and cognitive symptoms of depression are addressed. The results obtained can range from 0 to 63 points. Between 0 and 13, there is no depression; between 14 and 29, mild depression; between 20 and 28, moderate depression; and between 29 and 63, severe depression. This questionnaire is relatively short; 5 to 10 minutes are required to complete it.

Key reference

Beck, AT., Steer, RA., & Brown, GK. (1996). Manual for The Beck Depression Inventory Second Edition (BDI-II). San Antonio: Psychological Corporation.

To download the questionnaire, click here.

Kessler Psychological Distress Scale K6


What the questionnaire measures :

This is a set of 6 questions that focus on an individual’s emotional state over the past 30 days. The results obtained range from 0 to 24. A score above 5 indicates signs of moderate psychological distress while a score above 13 indicates signs of severe psychological distress. This questionnaire is very short due to the small number of questions.

Key reference

Kessler, R., Barker, PR., Colpe, LJ., … Zaslavsky, AM. (2003). Screening for serious mental illness in the general population. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60(2) : 184-189.

To download the questionnaire, click here.

Work Safety Scale


What the questionnaire measures :

This questionnaire consists of 4 sections with 10 statements each: workplace safety, safety management by colleagues, safety management by immediate supervisors and safety management practices. Respondents provide their opinion on the different elements. The results obtained for each section can range from 0 to 50 for a total of 200. Due to the elevated number of questions, it takes about 15 minutes to complete this questionnaire.

Key reference

Hayes, BE., Perander, J., Smecko, T., & Trask, J. (1998). Measuring perceptions of workplace safety: Development and validation of the Work Safety Scale. Journal of Safety Research, 29(3), 145-161.

Questionnaire sur les comportements de soutien en situation d'anxiété (QCSA)


What the questionnaire measures :

This questionnaire is used to identify the behaviours practiced by the respondent’s spouse, friend or family member when the respondent is experiencing anxiety. This instrument includes 31 different behaviours and should take about 10 minutes to complete.

Key reference

St-Jean-Trudel, É., Guay, S., Marchand, A., & O’connor, K. (2005). Développement et validation d’un questionnaire mesurant le soutien social en situation d’anxiété auprès d’une population universitaire. Le Soutien Social, 30(2), 43-60.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist Scale for DSM-5; PCL-5


What the questionnaire measures :

Twenty symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder according to the DSM-5 are presented in order to establish a provisional diagnosis of PTSD. The results obtained can range from 0 to 80. A result above 33 is required to consider the occurrence of PTSD. The PLC-5 can be completed within 5 to 10 minutes.

Key reference

Weathers, FW., Litz, BT., Keane, TM., Palmieri, PA., Marx, BP., & Schnurr, PP. (2013). The PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5). Scale available from the National Center for PTSD

To download the questionnaire, click here.

Acute Stress Disorder Scale ; ASDS


What the questionnaire measures :

This measure addresses the various symptoms that may develop following exposure to a traumatic event, between 3 days and 1 month after the event. Nineteen elements are covered. The results obtained can range from 0 to 95. This questionnaire is relatively short; between 5 to 10 minutes are required to complete it.

Key reference

Bryant, RA., Moulds, M., & Guthrie, RM. (2000). Acute Stress Disorder Scale: A self-report measure of acute stress disorder. Psychological Assessment, 12(1), 61.

Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test ; AUDIT


What the questionnaire measures :

Ten items regarding the individual’s consumption over the past 12 months are addressed. The results of this scale can vary between 0 and 40. A score between 0 and 7 likely indicates safe drinking, a score between 8 and 15 likely indicates risky drinking, a score between 16 and 19 represents high risk drinking, and a score of 20 or more likely indicates alcohol dependence. This questionnaire takes a few minutes to complete due to the small number of questions.

Key reference

Saunders, JB., Aasland, OG., Babor, TF., De la Fuente, JR., & Grant, M. (1993). Development of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT): WHO collaborative project on early detection of persons with harmful alcohol consumption‐II. Addiction, 88(6), 791-804.

To download the questionnaire, click here.

Drug Abuse Screening Test ; DAST-10


What the questionnaire measures :

Ten “yes or no” questions are asked about an individual’s use of medication or drugs, excluding alcohol and tobacco, during the past 12 months. Results range between 0 and 10. A score between 1 and 2 is considered as light level drug use, between 3 and 5, moderate level, between 6 and 8, high level and between 9 and 10, severe level. This questionnaire can be completed in less than 8 minutes.

Key reference

Skinner, HA. (1982). The Drug Abuse Screening Test. Addictive Behavior, 7(4), 363-371.

To download the questionnaire, click here.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale ; GAD-7


What the questionnaire measures :

This test consists of 7 questions that focus on the frequency of anxiety-specific behaviors over the past 14 days. The result obtained can vary between 0 and 21. A score of 8 or more represents a probable anxiety disorder. This questionnaire is relatively short; about 5 minutes are required to complete it.

Key reference

Spitzer, R., Kroenke, K., Williams, JBW., & Lowe, B. (2006). A brief measure for assessing generalized anxiety disorder: The GAD-7. Archives of Internal Medicine, 166(10), 1092-1097.

To download the questionnaire, click here.

Patient Health Questionnaire ; PHQ-9


What the questionnaire measures :

The frequency, over the past two weeks, of 9 symptoms associated with depression is examined in order to establish a diagnosis. The result ranges between 0 and 27. A score between 0 and 9 is considered a minimal level of depression, between 10 and 14, mild, between 15 and 19, moderately severe and above 20 severe. Approximately 5 minutes are required to complete the questionnaire.

Key reference

Kroenke, K., Spitzer, R., & Williams, JBW. (2001). The PHQ‐9: Validity of a brief depression severity measure. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 16(9), 606-616.

To download the questionnaire, click here.

Our publications

Here is a list of our publications in scientific or general public journals. You can also visit the ResearchGate profiles of Stéphane Guay and Steve Geoffrion.


Marin, M.F., Geoffrion, S., Juster, R.P., Giguère, C.E., Marchand, A., Lupien, S. & Guay, S. (2019). High cortisol awakening response in the aftermath of workplace violence exposure moderates the association between acute stress disorder symptoms and PTSD symptoms. Psychoneuroendocrinology 104, 238-242. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psyneuen.2019.03.006


Lamothe, J., Couvrette, A., Lebrun, G., Yale, G., & Geoffrion, S. (2018). Violence against child protection workers : a study of workers’ experiences, attributions and coping strategies. Child Abuse & Neglect. 81, 308-321. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2018.04.027

Geoffrion, S., Goncalves, J., Marchand, A., Boyer, R., Marchand, A., Corbière, M., & Guay, S. (2018). Post-traumatic reactions and their predictors among workers who experienced serious violent acts: are there sex differences? Annals of work exposures and health, 62(4), 465-474. https://doi.org/10.1093/annweh/wxy011

Marchand, S., Houlfort, N., Couvrette, A. & Geoffrion, S.(2018). Intervenants en protection de la jeunesse : exploration des effets de l’environnement de travail sur la motivation au travail. Revue de psychoéducation, 47(2), 231-253. https://doi.org/10.7202/1054059ar

Geoffrion, S., Goncalves, J., Giguere, C.E., et Guay, S. (2018). Impact of a Program for the Management of Aggressive Behaviors on Seclusion and Restraint Use in Two High-Risk Units of a Mental Health Institute. Psychiatric Quarterly,  89(1), 95-102


Lacerte, S., Guay, S., Beaulieu-Prévost, D., Belleville, G., & Marchand, A (2017) Quality of life in workplace trauma victims seeking treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health. 1-18. doi : 10.1080/15555240.2017.1370379

Guay, S., Sader, J., Boisvert, J.M. et Beaudry, M. (2017, accepted). Intimate Partner Violence and Psychological Distress Among Young Couples : The Role of the Pattern of Violence. Violence and Victims.

Guay, S., Goncalves, J., et Boyer R. (2017). Effets des actes de violence grave chez les chauffeurs et chauffeuses d’autobus de la STM. Résultats d’une étude longitudinale menée auprès de 118 chauffeurs. Montréal, Québec : Centre d’étude sur le trauma.

Demarble, J. B., Fortin, C., D’Antono, B., & Guay, S. (2017). Prediction of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder From Peritraumatic Dissociation and Distress Among Men and Women Victims of Violent Crimes. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 1-19.

Geoffrion, S., Goncalves, J., Sader, J., Boyer, R., Marchand, A., & Guay, S. (2017). Workplace aggression against health care workers, law enforcement officials, and bus drivers: Differences in prevalence, perceptions, and psychological consequences. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health, 1-18.

Geoffrion, S., Goncalves, J., Boyer, R., Marchand, A & Guay, S. (2017). The effects of trivialization of workplace violence on its victims: profession and sex differences in a cross-sectional study among healthcare workers and law enforcers. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 61(3), 369-382.

Sader, J., Leclerc, C., Guay, S., et Lafortune, D. (2017). Préjugé dans la détermination des peines accordées aux jeunes doublement insérés dans le système public de protection et de justice. Criminologie, 50(1), 77-97.

Zhou, B., Boyer, R., et Guay, S. (2017). Dangers on the road: A longitudinal examination of passenger-initiated violence against bus drivers. Stress and Health, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1002/smi.2779

Geoffrion, S., Goncalves, J., Giguère, C. É., & Guay, S. (2017). Impact of a Program for the Management of Aggressive Behaviors on Seclusion and Restraint Use in Two High-Risk Units of a Mental Health Institute. Psychiatric Quarterly, 1-8. Doi: 10.1007/s11126-017-9519-6.

Guay, S., Tremblay, N., Goncalves, J., Bilodeau, H., & Geoffrion, S. (2017). Effects of a peer support programme for youth social services employees experiencing potentially traumatic events: a protocol for a prospective cohort study. BMJ open, 7(6), e014405.

Guay, S., Nachar, N., Lavoie, M. E., Marchand, A., & O’Connor, K. P. (2017). The buffering power of overt socially supportive and unsupportive behaviors from the significant other on posttraumatic stress disorder individuals’ emotional state. Anxiety Stress Coping, 30(1), 52-65. doi: 10.1080/10615806.2016.1194400

Lamothe, J., & Guay, S. (2017). Workplace violence and the meaning of work in healthcare workers: A phenomenological study. Work, 56(2), 185-197.

Zhou, B., Guay, S., & Marchand, A. (2017). I see so I feel: Coping with workplace violence among victims and witnesses. Work, (Preprint), 1-11.

Forté, L., Lanctôt, N., Geoffrion, S., Marchand, A., & Guay, S. (2017). Experiencing violence in a psychiatric setting: Generalized hypervigilance and the influence of caring in the fear experienced. Work, (Preprint), 1-13.

Geoffrion, S., Giguère, C.-E., Fortin, M., Fortin, C. et Guay, S. (2017). Validation de la version française canadienne du Perception of Prevalence of Aggression Scale auprès d’un échantillon d’intervenants en protection de la jeunesse. Revue de psychoéducation, 46(1), 145-174.

Demarble, J., Fortin, C., D’Antono, B. & Guay, S. (2017). Gender Differences in the Prediction of Acute Stress Disorder From Peritraumatic Dissociation and Distress Among Victims of Violent Crimes.  Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1-22.


Bisson-Desrochers, A., Beaulieu-Prévost, D., Desautels, J., Békés, V., Belleville, G., Guay, S., & Marchand, A. (2016). Trauma narratives as an indicator of PTSD symptomatology: gender differences. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 25(9), 974-990.

Nachar, N., Lavoie, M., Marchand, A., O’Connor, K. P., Gravel-Crevier, M. et Guay, S. (2016, Accepted). The effect of talking about panic attacks with a significant other on heart rate reactivity in individuals with panic disorder: extending previous results on trauma. Canadian Journal of Behavioral Sciences.

Guay, S., Sader, J., Boisvert, J. M., & Beaudry, M. (2016). Typology of Perceived Causes of Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration in Young Adults. Violence and Gender, 3(4), 189-195.

Fredette, C., El-Baalbaki, G., Palardy, V., Rizkallah, E., & Guay, S. (2016). Social support and cognitive–behavioral therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder: A systematic review. Traumatology, 22(2), 131.

Bekes, V., Beaulieu-Prevost, D., Guay, S., Belleville, G., et Marchand, A. (2016). Women With PTSD Benefit More From Psychotherapy Than Men. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/tra0000122

Geoffrion, S., Morselli, C., & Guay, S. (2016). Rethinking Compassion Fatigue Through the Lens of Professional Identity: The Case of Child-Protection Workers. Trauma Violence Abuse, 17(3), 270-283. doi: 10.1177/1524838015584362

Guay, S., Goncalves, J., & Boyer, R. (2016). Evaluation of an Education and Training Program to Prevent and Manage Patients’ Violence in a Mental Health Setting: A Pretest-Posttest Intervention Study.  Healthcare, 4(3), 1-10. doi: 10.3390/healthcare4030049

Guay, S., Goncalves, J., & Marchand, A. (2016). Predictors of Reporting Workplace Violence to an Employer According to Sex: A Cross-sectional Study. Violence and Gender, 3(3), 157-161. doi:10.1089/vio.2015.0042

Guay, S., Nachar, N., Lavoie, M.E., Marchand, A. et O’Connor, K.P. (2016). The buffering power of overt socially supportive and unsupportive behaviors from the significant other on post-traumatic stress disorder individuals’ emotional state. GASC Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 1-14. doi: 10.1080/10615806.2016.1194400

Marchand, A., Bilodeau, J., Demers, A., Beauregard, N., Durand, P. & Haines, V.Y. III (2016). Gendered depression: Vulnerability or exposure to work and family stressors? Social Science & Medicine, 166, 160-168.

Parent-Lamarche, A. & Marchand, A. (2016). Travail et épuisement professionnel: le rôle modérateur des traits de la personnalité. Psychologie du travail et des organisations, 22, 187-204.

Cloutier, G. & Marchand, A. (2016). La relation entre la culture organisationnelle et les agressions au travail. Psychologie du travail et des organisations, 22, 160-172.

Dextras-Gauthier, J. & Marchand, A. (2016). Does organizational culture play a role in the development of psychological distress? The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1-30 pp. DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2016.1216874.

Dextras-Gauthier, J. &  Marchand, A. (2016). Culture organisationnelle, conditions de l’organisation du travail et épuisement professionnel. Relations industrielles/Industrial Relations, 71, 156-187.

Marchand, A., Juster, R.P., Lupien, S. & Durand, P. (2016). Psychosocial Determinants of Diurnal Alpha-Amylase among Healthy Quebec Workers. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 66, 65-74. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.psyneuen.2016.01.005

Marchand A., Juster R.P., Durand P. & Lupien, S. (2016). Work stress models and diurnal cortisol variations: The SALVEO study. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 21(2), 182-193, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/a0039674


Bisson Desrochers, A., Duval, C., El-Baalbaki, G. & Bégin, J. (2015). The effectiveness of Observed and Experiential Integration in the treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: a Comment on Bradshaw and colleagues (2014). Traumatology.

Boyer, R., Guay, S. & Goncalves, J. (2015). Oméga, ça marche. Objectif Prévention, 38(4), 21-23. lire

Crevier, M.G., Marchand, A., Nachar, N., & Guay, S. (2015). Symptoms Among Partners, Family, and Friends of Individuals with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Associations with Social Support Behaviors, Gender, and Relationship Status. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 24(8), 876-896.

Geoffrion, S., Lanctôt, N., Marchand, A., Boyer, R. & Guay, S. (2015). Predictors of trivialization of workplace violence among healthcare workers and law enforcers. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 2(3-4), 195-213.

Guay, S., Fortin, C., Fikretoglu, D., Poundja, J. & Brunet, A. (2015). Validation of the WHOQOL-Bref in a sample of treatment-seeking veterans. Military Psychology, 27, 85-92. doi: 10.1037/mil0000065 [2013 Impact factor = 0.64].

Geoffrion, S., Sader, J., Ouellet, F. & Boivin, R. (2015).  Aggressive incidents inside a Montreal barroom involving patrons, barmaids and bouncers: A micro level examination of routine activity theory. Crime Science Journal, 4(1), 1-10. lire

Geoffrion, S., Morselli, C. & Guay, S. (2015). Rethinking compassion fatigue through the lens of professional identity: the case of child protection workers. Trauma, Violence and Abuse,  17(3), 270-283.  lire

Guay, S., Goncalves, J. & Jarvis, J. (2015). A systematic review of exposure to physical violence across occupational domains according to victims’ sex. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 25, 133-141. lire

Hills, D.J., Ross, H.M., Pich, J., Hill, A.T., Dalsbø, T.K., Riahi, S., Guay, S. & MartínezJarreta, B.(2015). Education and training for preventing and minimising workplace aggression directed toward healthcare workers. The Cochrane Library.

Marchand, A., Blanc, M.E. & Durand, P. (2015). Genre, âge, profession, secteur économique et santé mentale en milieu de travail: Les résultats de l’étude SALVEO. Revue canadienne de santé publique/Canadian Journal of Public Health, 106(4), e223–e229. DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.17269/CJPH.106.4672

Marchand, A., Durand, P., Haines, V. & Harvey, S. (2015). The multilevel determinants of workers’ mental health: Results from the SALVEO study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 50 (3), 445-459. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00127-014-0932-y


Bilodeau, H., Marchand, A., Berthelette, D., Guay, S., & Tremblay, N. (2014). Analyse d’un protocole d’intervention post-traumatique et de mesures de gestion associées au Centre jeunesse de Montréal-Institut universitaire. http://www.irsst.qc.ca/-publication-irsst-protocole-d-intervention-post-traumatique-r-819.html

Boisclair Demarble, J., Moskowitz, D., Tardif, J.-C. & D’Antono, B. (2014). The relation between hostility and concurrent levels of inflammation is sex, age, and measure dependent. Journal of psychosomatic research, 76(5), 384-393. pubmed

Boivin, R., Geoffrion, S., Ouellet, F. & Felson, M. (2014). Nightly variation of disorder in a Canadian nightclub. Journal of Substance Use, 19(1-2), 188-193. pubmed

Boyer, R., Guay, S. & Goncalves, J. (2014). Évaluation du programme de formation Oméga pour prévenir et gérer l’agressivité des patients. Résultats d’une étude menée à l’Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal (Collection Recherche et évaluation). Montréal, Québec : Institut universitaire en santé mentale. http://www.equipevisage.ca/outils/evaluation-du-programme-de-formation-omega/

Drapeau, A., Marchand, A. & Forest, C. (2014). Gender differences in the age-cohort distribution of psychological distress in Canadian adults: findings from a national longitudinal survey. BMC Psychology, 2(1), 25.

Gravel Crevier, M., Marchand, A., Nachar, N. & Guay, S. (2014). Overt Social Support Behaviors: Associations With PTSD, Concurrent Depressive Symptoms and Gender. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy, 6(5), 519-526. doi : 10.1037/a0033193

Guay, S., Goncalves, J. & Jarvis, J. (2014). Verbal violence in the workplace according to victims’ sex— A systematic review of the literature. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 19(5), 572-578.

Lanctôt, N. & Guay, S. (2014). The aftermath of workplace violence amonghealthcareworkers: A systematic literature review of the consequences. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 19(5), 492-501. doi : 10.1016/j.avb.2014.07.010

Marchand, A., Durand, P., Juster, R. P. & Lupien, S.J. (2014). Workers’ psychological distress, depression, and burnout symptoms are associated with dysregulated diurnal cortisol profiles. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment, & Health, 40(3), 305-314.

Miquelon, P., Lesage, A., Boyer, R., Guay, S., Bleau, P. & Séguin, M. (2014). Mental Health Service Utilization among Students and Staff in 18 Months following Dawson College Shooting. AIMS Public Health, 1(2), 188-193. doi : 10.3934/publichealth.2014.2.84

Nachar, N., Lavoie, M., Marchand, A., O’Connor, K. & Guay, S. (2014). The effect of talking about psychological trauma with a significant other on heart rate reactivity in individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder. Psychiatry Research, 219(1), 171-176. doi : 10.1016/j.psychres.2014.05.006

Pineau, H., Marchand, A. & Guay, S. (2014). Objective neuropsychological deficits in post-traumatic stress disorder. Behavioral Sciences, 4(4), 471-486. doi : 10.3390/bs4040471


Fortin C., Dupuis G., Marchand A. & D’Antono B. (2013). Chronic Post-traumatic Stress Following a Myocardial Infarction: Prevalence and Detection in Hospital Setting. Journal of Depression and Anxiety, 2(2), 1-7. doi : 10.4172/2167-1044.1000132

Fortin C., Dupuis G., Marchand A. & D’Antono B. (2013). Six Months Post Myocardial Infarction Depression: Is Acute PTSD a Predisposing Condition? Journal of Depression and Anxiety, S4-005. doi : 10.4172/2167-1044.S4-005

Geoffrion, S. & Ouellet, F. (2013). Quand la réadaptation blesse? Éducateurs victimes de violence. Criminologie, 46(2), 263-289. pubmed

Guay, S. (2013). Pourquoi, cette fois, la situation m’a-t-elle affecté? Mammouth Magazine, 13, 12.

Guay, S., Boyer, R., Marchand, A. & Jarvis, J. (2013). Résultats du sondage sur la violence en milieu de travail. Objectif Prévention, 36(1), 4-6.

Nachar, N., Guay, S., Beaulieu-Prévost, D. et Marchand, A. (2013). Assessment of the Psychosocial Predictors of Health-Related Quality of Life in a PTSD Clinical Sample. Traumatology, 19(1), 20-27. doi : 10.1177/1534765612438944

Nachar, N., Lavoie, M., Marchand, A., O’Connor, K. P., Gravel Crevier, M. & Guay, S. The effect of talking about panic disorder. Manuscrit accepté à Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science.

Séguin, M., Chawky, N., Lesage, A., Boyer, R., Guay, S., Bleau, P. & Miquelon, P. (2013). Evaluation of the Dawson College shooting psychological intervention: Moving toward a multimodal extensive plan. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 5(3), 268-276. doi : 10.1177/1534765612438944 pubmed


Bond, S. (2012). Les meilleurs traitements pour l’état de stress post-traumatique. Mammouth Magazine, 12, 5-6.

Drapeau, A., Marchand, A. & Beaulieu-Prévost, D. (2012). Epidemiology of psychological distress. Mental illnesses—understanding, prediction and control, InTech, 105-134.

Dugal, N., Guay, S., Boyer, R., Lesage, A., Séguin, M. & Bleau, P. (2012). La consommation d’alcool et de drogue des étudiants suite à la fusillade de Dawson : une analyse différenciée selon le sexe. Canadian journal of psychiatry, 57(4), 245-253.

Fortin, I., Guay, S., Lavoie, V., Boisvert, J.-M. & Beaudry M. (2012). Intimate partner violence and psychological distress among young couples: Analysis of the moderating effect of social support. Journal of Family Violence, 27(1), 63-73.

Juster, R.P. & Lupien, S. (2012). A sex-and gender-based analysis of allostatic load and physical complaints. Gender medicine, 9(6), 511-523.

Marchand, A., Drapeau, A. & Beaulieu-Prévost, D. (2012). Psychological distress in Canada: The role of employment and reasons of non-employment. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 58(6), 596-604. pubmed

Nachar N., Guay, S., Beaulieu-Prévost, D. & Marchand, A. (2012). Assessment of the psychosocial predictors of health related quality of life in a PTSD clinical sample. Traumatology, 19(1), 20-27. doi : 10.1177/1534765612438944


Belleville, G., Guay, S. & Marchand, A. (2011). Persistence of sleep disturbances following cognitive-behavior therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 70(4), 318-327.

Grenier, S., Préville, M., Boyer, R., O’Connor, K., Béland, S.-G., Potvin, O., … Brassard, J. (2011). The Impact of DSM-IV Symptom and Clinical Significance Criteria on the Prevalence Estimates of Subthreshold and Threshold Anxiety in the Older Adult Population. The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 19(4), 316-326.

Guay, S., Beaulieu-Prévost, D., Beaudoin, C., St-Jean Trudel, É., Nachar, N., Marchand, A. & O’Connor, K. (2011). How do social interactions with a significant other affect PTSD symptoms? An empirical investigation using a clinical sample. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 20(3), 280-303. pubmed

Guay, S. & Fortin, I. (2011). Critique du livre «Introduction à l’intervention auprès des victimes d’actes criminels». Revue canadienne de criminologie et de justice pénale, 53(1), 133.

Guay, S., Fortin, I., Gauthier, M.-P., Cousineau, M.-M. & St-Laurent, J. (2011). Étude sur l’utilisation du Service 24/7 du CAVAC de Montréal par le Service de police de la ville de Montréal. Rapport d’une recherche financée par la Ministère de la Justice du Québec. Montréal, Québec.

Guay, S., Gauthier, M-P. & Marchand, A. (2011). Prise en charge des travailleurs exposés à des actes de violence grave. Objectif prévention, 34(2), 30-31.

Guay, S. & Marchand, A. (2011). Actes de violence grave : prise en charge des travailleurs (deuxième partie). Objectif prévention, 34(3), 29-31.

Marchand, A., Beaulieu-Prévost, D., Guay, S., Bouchard, S., Drouin, M. S. & Germain, V. (2011). Relative efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy administered by videoconference for post-traumatic stress disorder: A six-month follow-up. Journal of aggression, maltreatment & trauma, 20(3), 304-321. pubmed

Marchand, A., Boyer, R., Nadeau, C. & Martin, M. (2011). Facteurs prévisionnels du développement de l’état de stress post-traumatique à la suite d’un événement traumatique chez les policiers : volet prospectif. Études et recherches / Rapport R-710, Montréal, IRSST, 86 pages. irsst


Belleville G., Guay S. & Marchand A. (2009). Impact of Sleep Disturbances on PTSD Symptoms and Perceived Health. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 197(2), 126-132.

Chartier-Otis, M., Guay, S. & Marchand, A. (2009). Psychological and relationship distress among partners of civilian PTSD patients. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 197(7), 543-546.

Germain, V., Marchand, A., Bouchard, S., Guay, S. & Drouin, M. (2009). Assessment of the Therapeutic Alliance in Face-to-Face or Videoconference Treatment for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. Cyberpsychology and Behavior, 13(1), 29-35.

Germain, V., Marchand, A., Guay, S., Bouchard, S. & Drouin, M.-S. (2009). Effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy administered by videoconference for post-traumatic stress disorder. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 38(1), 42-53.

Lavoie, V., Guay, S., Fikretoglu, D., Brunet, A. & Boisvert, J.-M. (2009). État de stress post-traumatique chez les militaires : relations entre le soutien social, les stratégies d’adaptation et les symptômes concomitants. Journal International de Victimologie, 7(1), 55-76.

Martin, M., Marchand, A., Boyer, R. & Martin, N. (2009). Predictors of the development of post-traumatic stress disorder among police officers. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 10(4), 451-468. pubmed

Simoneau, H. & Guay, S. (2009). Conséquences de la concomitance des troubles liés à l’utilisation d’une substance et à l’état de stress post-traumatique sur le traitement. Drogue, Santé et Société, 7, 125-160.


Billette, V., Guay, S. & Marchand, A. (2008). Post-traumatic stress disorder and social support in female victims of sexual assault: The impact of spousal involvement on the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy. Behavior Modification, 32, 876-896.

Guay, S. & Lafortune, D. (2008). Programme de formation en criminologie clinique: L’évaluation et l’intervention auprès des victimes d’actes criminels. École de criminologie, Université de Montréal.

Fikretoglu, D., Guay S., Pedlar, D. & Brunet, A. (2008). Twelve month use of mental health services in a nationally representative, active military sample. Medical Care, 46, 217-22.

Lavoie, V., Langlois, R., Simoneau, H. & Guay, S. (2008). État de stress post-traumatique et troubles liés à l’utilisation d’une substance : Interrelations et modèles thérapeutiques intégrés. Journal de Thérapie Comportementale et Cognitive, 18, 92-97.

Marchand, A., Coutu, M.F., Dupuis, G., Fleet, R., Borgeat, F., Todorov, C. & Mainguy, N. (2008). Treatment of panic disorder with agoraphobia: Randomized placebo-controlled trial of efficacy of combined pharmacological and cognitive-behavioural interventions. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 37(3), 146-159.

Nachar, N. (2008). The Mann-Whitney U: A Test for Assessing Whether Two Independent Samples Come from the Same Distribution. Tutorials in Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 4(1), 13-20.

Roberge, P., Marchand, A., Reinharz, D. & Savard, P. (2008). Cognitive-behavioral treatment for panic disorder with agoraphobia: A randomized, controlled trial and cost-effectiveness analysis. Behavior Modification, 32(3), 333-351.


Fikretoglu, D., Brunet, A., Guay S. & Pedlar, D. (2007). Mental health treatment seeking by military members with PTSD: Findings on rates, characteristics, and predictors from a nationally representative sample. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 52, 103-110.

Guay, S. (2007). Développement d’une approche sociale-cognitive-comportementale pour évaluer et traiter l’état de stress post-traumatique. Journal de Thérapie Comportementale et Cognitive, 17, 6.

Guay, S. & Marchand A. (2007). Étude comparative de l’efficacité d’une thérapie cognitivo-comportementale pour le trouble de stress post-traumatique avec ou sans la participation du conjoint ou d’un proche. Rapport d’une recherche subventionnée par le FRSQ.

Khouzam, C., Marchand, A. & Guay, S. (2007). Impact du moment du dévoilement de l’agression sexuelle perpétrée par un tiers sur certains aspects affectifs et relationnels des victimes adultes. Revue Santé mentale au Québec, XXXII(1), 9-36.

Lehoux, J., Guay, S., Chartrand, E. & Julien, D. (2007). Évaluation préliminaire des qualités psychométriques d’un système de codification du soutien conjugal pour le trouble de stress post-traumatique. Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement, 39, 301-306.

Lehoux, J., Guay, S., Chartrand, E. & Julien, D. (2007). Évaluation préliminaire des qualités psychométriques d’un système de codification du soutien conjugal pour le trouble de stress post-traumatique. Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement, 39(4), 307-314.

Poundja, S., Fikretoglu, D., Guay, S. et Brunet, A. (2007). Validation of the French version of the Brief Pain Inventory in Canadian veterans suffering from traumatic stress. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 33, 720-726.


Fikretoglu, D., Brunet. A., Poundja, S., Guay, S. & Pedlar, D. (2006). Validation of the Deployment Risk and Resilience Inventory (DRRI) in French Canadian Veterans: Findings on the relation between deployment experiences and postdeployment health. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 51, 755-763.

Fikretoglu, D., Brunet, A., Schmitz, N., Guay, S. & Pedlar, D. (2006). Post-traumatic stress disorder and treatment seeking in a nationally representative Canadian military sample. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 19, 847-858.

Guay, S., Billette, V. & Marchand, A. (2006). Exploring the links between post-traumatic stress disorder and social support : Processes and potential research avenues. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 19, 327-338.

Marchand, A., Guay, S., Boyer, R., Iucci, S., Martin, A. & St-Hilaire, M.-H. (2006). A randomized controlled trial of an adapted form of individual critical incident stress debriefing for employees victim of an armed robbery. Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention, 6(2), 122-129.


Billette, V., Guay, S. & Marchand, A. (2005). L’impact du soutien social sur les conséquences psychologiques d’une agression sexuelle : Synthèse des écrits. Revue Santé Mentale au Québec, XXX(2), 101-120.

Caron, J. & Guay, S. (2005). Le soutien social peut-il reprendre sa juste place dans la problématique de la santé mentale? Revue Santé Mentale au Québec, XXX (2), 7-13.

Caron, J. & Guay, S. (2005). Soutien social et santé mentale : concept, mesures, recherches récentes et implications pour les cliniciens. Revue Santé Mentale au Québec, XXX (2), 15-42.

Dorval, M., Guay, S., Mondor, M., Mâsse, B., Robidoux, A., Falardeau, M., Deschênes, L. & Maunsell, E. (2005). Couples who get closer after breast cancer: frequency and predictors in a prospective study. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 23, 3588-3596.

Guay, S. (2005). Vivre avec un individu aux prises avec un trouble anxieux. Psychologie Québec, mai, 30-32.

Marcaurelle, R., Bélanger, C., Marchand, A., Katerelos, T. E. & Mainguy, N. (2005). Marital predictors of symptom severity in panic disorder with agoraphobia. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 19(2), 211-232.


Guay, S., Billette, V., St-Jean-Trudel, E., Marchand, A. & Mainguy, N. (2004). Thérapie de couple et trouble de stress post-traumatique. Revue Francophone du Stress et du Trauma, 4, 81-88.

Guay, S., Marchand, A., Billette, V., Trudel, E. S. J. & Mainguy, N. (2004). Thérapie cognitivo-comportementale et soutien conjugal pour le trouble de stress post-traumatique. Journal de Thérapie Comportementale et Cognitive, 14, 17.