Apr. 26th 2019 Advice / information

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to cure post-traumatic stress disorder

Introduction to Cognitive Behavioral[...]

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Apr. 26th 2019 Advice / information

The consequences of post-traumatic stress disorder

The effects of post-traumatic stress disorder on the health and life of people[...]

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Ongoing Studies

Apr. 26th 2019 Ongoing Studies

Prospective analysis of the adaptation of workers in a youth center exposed to a potentially traumatic event: effects of a peer support intervention

Étude portant sur l’efficacité d’une d’intervention de soutien par les pairs auprès de travailleurs de centre[...]

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Apr. 26th 2019 Events

2019 Complex Trauma Symposium

June 17th and 18th, Grande Bibliothèque de Montréal[...]

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Apr. 25th 2019 Publications / books

Après le suicide d’un proche: Vivre le deuil et se reconstruire (English Resume)

Book for people whose loved one has taken his or her[...]

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Apr. 24th 2019 Advice / information

What is a traumatic event?

Description of the types of event that could lead to post-traumatic stress[...]

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Apr. 23rd 2019 Publications / books

À chacun son stress (English Resume)

A practical guide on the consequences of parental stress on children. Practical methods to manage[...]

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Apr. 18th 2019 Advice / information

Who is affected by traumatic events?

Relevant statistics on traumatic[...]

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